04 June 2015

This article shows how to download all photos of a fan page using python script. Script will download photos into folder named by fan page id.


  • Facebook Fanpage id
  • Facebook access token (Graph Explorer)
  • Python 2.7
  • Python pip
  • Facebook-python-sdk

Installing Python pip

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Installing facebook-sdk

sudo pip install facebook-sdk

If you unable to install facebook-python-sdk go to installation page

Change ID in script to your fan page.


import json
import os
import pickle
import sys
import time
import urllib

import facebook

ID = 'SonalModakFotography'

TOKEN = ''  # access token
SAFE_CHARS = '-_() abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'

def save(res, name='data'):
    """Save data to a file"""
    with open('%s.lst' % name, 'w') as f:
        pickle.dump(res, f)

def read(name='data'):
    """Read data from a file"""
    with open('%s.lst' % name, 'r') as f:
        res = pickle.load(f)
    return res

def fetch(limit=100000, depth=10, last=None, id=ID, token=TOKEN):
    """Fetch the data using Facebook's Graph API"""
    lst = []
    graph = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
    url = '%s/photos/uploaded' % id

    if not last:
        args = {'fields': ['source','name'], 'limit': limit}
        res = graph.request('%s/photos/uploaded' % id, args)
        process(lst, res['data'])
        res = {'paging': {'next': last}}

    # continue fetching till all photos are found
    for _ in xrange(depth):
        if 'paging' not in res:
            url = res['paging']['next']
            res = json.loads(urllib.urlopen(url).read())
            process(lst, res['data'])

    save(url, 'last_url')

    return lst

def process(res, dat):
    """Extract required data from a row"""
    err = []
    for d in dat:
        if 'source' not in d:
        src = d['source']
        if 'name' in d:
            name = ''.join(c for c in d['name'][:99] if c in SAFE_CHARS) + src[-4:]
            name = src[src.rfind('/')+1:]
        res.append({'name': name, 'src': src})
    if err:
        print '%d errors.' % len(err)
        print err
    print '%d photos found.' % len(dat)

def download(res):
    """Download the list of files"""
    start = time.clock()
    if not os.path.isdir(ID):
    """ Using an counter to download 100 divisible photos & wait for some time  """
    delayCounter =1

    for p in res:
        # try to get a higher resolution of the photo
        p['src'] = p['src'].replace('_s', '_n')

        if delayCounter % 100 ==0 :
            #print "x - Downloaded %s picture " %delayCounter

        urllib.urlretrieve(p['src'], p['name'])
        #print delayCounter
        delayCounter = delayCounter + 1

    print "Downloaded %s pictures in %.3f sec." % (len(res), time.clock()-start)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # download 500 photos, fetch details about 100 at a time
    lst = fetch(limit=100000, depth=5000)
    save(lst, 'photos')

Save above script as fbPhotos.py & run as below.

python fbPhotos.py