31 January 2023

While working with code, respository and collaboration through git, encounters simple workflow or process.

  • pull specific branch
    # clone the remote master/main
    git clone <remote url>
    # checkout to a branch
    git checkout <remote_branch_name>
    # pull the code 
    git pull origin "<local_branch_name>"
  • create new branch from specific one on local
    # go to the branch from which you want to create the new branch
    git checkout <existing-branch>
    # create a new branch
    git branch <new-branch>
    # Switch to the new branch 
    git checkout <new-branch>
    # Make changes & commit to the new branch as needed
    git commit -m "<Commit message>"
    # push the new branch to a remote repository
    git push -u origin <new-branch>